The work that Lee has had the privilege and honor to do with Veterans, has been some of the deepest and most meaningful work of her life, and came about as a total surprise to her. She had no connection to current military veterans. Her father and uncles had served in the military during WWII but they never spoke about their experiences. And yet when the U.S. went to war in Iraq, she felt an undeniable calling to do something to try to ease the suffering of returning veterans. She trusted that if veterans were interested, the practice of Sensory Awareness could be healing and grounding.
Through her own life experiences, she knew the importance of turning towards pain and trauma rather than trying to avoid what cannot be avoided, and the importance of coming together in community. She trusted that when people holding the space are not afraid of pain, and are not trying to force something open, there is room for each person to drop in and meet what they are ready to meet. From that place deep, healing and intimate connections arise. She never had any intention of starting an organization or a nonprofit. But following one step after another led to the creation of Veterans PATH (Peace, Acceptance, Transformation, Honor)

This journey taught Lee that when we take one step at a time because we know that something is needed, then it leads to the next step, and then to the next step, and when we come together our power is deepened and magnified. These lessons offer inspiration on how each one of us can find how to respond in the midst of these overwhelming changes on our planet.
Antonio Machado, a Spanish poet wrote:
“Caminante, no hay camino.
Se hace camino al andar.”
Traveler, there is no path.
The path is created
with each step you take.
We don’t have to know what we’re doing. Lee had no idea what she was doing when she and her friend and colleague Chris Fortin began Veteran’s PATH. A skeptical US Marine Officer, who had served in Iraq, came to the second one-day event ever held at Veterans PATH. He sat with his arms crossed tightly across his chest most of the day. Even through his skepticism, he offered to meet with Lee and help her learn more about military culture and veteran’s experiences. He suggested books to read and films to watch. And sometimes when they coincided at some rather unstimulating networking meetings for people working with veterans, he would pass her notes about new resources to check out.

One year after attending his first event, he came to another event, and shared with the twenty other veterans there, that when he came to the first event he thought to himself “These two hippie ladies don’t know shit about veterans.” That was true. But they were ready to learn, and they trusted in what they did know, the power of Sensory Awareness and meditation practice. He could feel their sincerity and he and other veterans helped them grow and shape meaningful programs. Four years after Chris and Lee left the leadership of Veteran’s PATH the organization was dissolved. That was painful and disappointing to see. Lee is very grateful for how her life expanded and was enriched by the relationships and experiences she had over the twelve years she helped to develop and lead Veteran’s PATH. She continues to trust in the PATH of Peace, Acceptance, Transformation and Honor and wants to continue to support veterans through the healing and renewing power of Sensory Awareness practice.
Veterans are welcome to participate in Sensory Awareness Workshops with Lee on a Donation Basis offering whatever you might want to contribute, without any obligation to pay anything. Just contact Lee, (She cannot offer this opportunity in programs held at Retreat Centers with their own pricing systems.)

Embodying the PATH of Service: A Reunion Retreat for Veterans who have participated in Veteran’s PATH programs
December 4 – 8, 2024
Black Mountain Retreat Center, Cazadero, California
Facilitated by Lee Klinger Lesser, Matthew Huffman and Vanessa Meade
The PATH continues — PEACE, ACCEPTANCE, TRANSFORMATION, HONOR. During our time together, we will ground ourselves in meditation and mindfulness practice and share the joys and the challenges of our continuing journeys along our paths of service and connection. We will also explore how we are being true to the Veteran’s PATH Creed which highlights the values that brought us together and that can continue to guide us.
I live a life of meaning, purpose and joy.
I practice meditation and mindfulness with discipline, commitment and curiosity.
I cultivate an attitude of generosity, kindness and service.
I create a safe space for myself and others.
I contribute to a safe and welcoming community.
I value the importance of each moment. I know this moment matters and I commit to make a difference now.
I use difficulties and challenges as opportunities to learn.
I will not turn away from my inherent wholeness or the wholeness of others.
I will use my own healing to support the healing of others.
I will use my energy, heart and spirit to ease suffering and cultivate compassion and connection.
I journey forward on a PATH of peace, acceptance, transformation and honor.
Fee and Registration Information: There is no fee for this retreat. Participants are welcome to offer a donation to the facilitators if they would like.
Housing and Meal Cost: Each participant is responsible for their own housing and meal cost which ranges from $73 – $119 depending on the specific housing option available
To register or for more information contact Lee:, 415-307-6043
Articles featuring the work of Veteran’s PATH:
What People Are Saying About Lee...
Upcoming Sensory Awareness Workshops for Veterans
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