The Bridge to This Moment

For a number of years, my husband and I traveled to Japan, where he was leading some business retreats, and for two years, I led a Sensory Awareness workshop in Tokyo. On each visit we were greeted with so much warmth and graciousness.  

In my work with veterans, war and the impact of war, has been very present in my consciousness. 

In the midst of such gracious and  loving connections with so many people in Japan, I wondered to myself:  “How could it be that 70 years ago we would have been enemies?”  I watched parents loving their children on the streets, in the parks, in the temples.  I saw young people and old people in the midst of their daily lives. I watched children run, laugh and cry filled with their own vibrant spirits.  

I felt so deeply our common humanity in the midst of this journey we all share between birth and death. And I was very conscious of the tremendous harm we had reaped on each other.

Bridging what separates us is lifetime work, renewed in each moment. This includes building bridges even within ourselves. We often live with our own internal enemies. The parts of ourselves that are hidden, judged, and rejected. When we are shut off from these parts of ourselves, we are shut off from others as well. 

We have a choice in each moment to walk across the bridges in our lives, to create structures that span divides and bring us together. There are so many things outside of our control. Yet, in each moment we can pause and choose to turn towards whatever needs our attention, using our energy to cultivate connection rather than separation.

Of course, there will be many times when we turn away; when we become hooked, triggered or overwhelmed. But each, and every time, we recognize what is happening, a new bridge appears.  It is just there waiting for us, offering its support…the bridge to this moment. 

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