Sensory Awareness practice invites us to be present and responsive to whatever is happening. It is not about trying to pick or choose what feels most comfortable, most satisfying, or most pleasant. It is through listening, exploring, being attentive to whatever the situation or experience is, that we can allow our natural responsiveness to guide us and what is needed has room to unfold.
Our direct sensory experience has so much to teach us and can help us be present for the tensions we may carry. When we feel them and don’t resist or ignore them, we can gradually begin to recognize how we may be creating them, what they are asking of us, or what they are showing us. So, whether the experience comes from a backache, fear in the face of difficulty, grief or loss, the process is the same — to return to our senses, to connect with breath, to open to what each situation is asking of us and to trust and understand that the difficulty can be very informative and be filled with opportunities for connection and responsiveness.

Why Sensory Awareness?

Our Bodies Don't Lie
They connect us with anything stored from the past and projected into the future.

Being Present & Grounded
They help us discern what is needed in the present moment. The only true moment we have.

Curiosity & Kindness
The tension and constriction we may experience become an opportunity to show up with kindness, compassion and curiosity.

Freedom to Respond
When we are aligned with breath and our sensory experience we can respond with freedom and love to the request of each moment.
Upcoming Sensory Awareness Workshops
Click an option for details and registration
Choose Life: How does my love for life want to express itself?
A 9-month journey in a community of Sensory Awareness practice.
Online September 20 – June 15, 2025. Focusing on how our love for life wants to express itself opens a vital, unfolding path that guides us into what we can do, rather than being trapped or overwhelmed by what we cannot do.
How Does My Love for Life Want to Express Itself? In-person 3-day workshop
San Francisco Zen Center, California July 10-13, 2025 “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is […]
Connect with the Present Moment, in-person 3-day workshop
Garden of the Senses September 19-21, 2025 – Mallorca (Spain) Explore ways to connect with yourself, with your surroundings, and listen to what each moment is asking of you in […]
Workshop FAQs
It can change your life. The work is subtle yet penetrating. Engaging in simple activities reveals how we engage in all aspects of our lives. As we discover how to respond beyond habits that constrict us, we can learn how to be more responsive in our relationships and all that we do. As we come more in touch with breathing, our sensations and our ability to come to quiet in our minds, we can learn to access this capacity more easily in the midst of busy and demanding situations as well.
In classes, we explore what happens in basic activities of life, discovering where we are saying “yes” and where we are saying “no” to our own living. Each class is different and unfolds in its own unique way. The classes are composed of “experiments”— activities offered by the leader with guided questions to help students explore their own experiences. Working with breathing, sitting, standing, walking or any activity, we can discover where we carry tension or resistance. Feeling where changes are needed, we can allow them or we can become more aware of our own resistance and learn what it has to teach us. We develop “sensory literacy” which helps us be present and responsive to what each moment is asking of us.
Our sensations are always with us, and can be guides at any moment to becoming more present. Create opportunities to pause and connect with what you are experiencing. Even pausing for 3 breaths can help us recalibrate and renew. Here are some examples of ways to practice: Download a mindfulness bell app on your telephone and program it to ring during your day so that you can pause for 3 breaths. Pause whenever your own telephone rings or before you send a text message, or at every red light you stop at, or as you are preparing a meal or washing your dishes. Simply connect with 3 breaths and experience how this influences you. Reflect on when you tend to become stressed or harried during your day and intentionally set aside a few minutes to come to quiet and return to your senses. Choosing times during our days when we can become more mindful and aware can transform the quality of what we are doing and how we are living.
The essence of Sensory Awareness practice is “waking up”— opening to the gift of aliveness in each moment. A core question for Lee in her own practice and in her teaching is: “What does this moment ask of me?” Our planet could not be crying out more clearly for us to wake up. We are being asked to respond. Many people are still in denial, feel helpless, overwhelmed, and paralyzed by grief or avoidance. Yet the realities of what is happening live in our bodies, hearts and minds. Sensory Awareness practice can help us open to what is present and cultivate our capacity to respond.
Refuge in your own body, in the connection with breath and with the natural capacity to feel tension and to allow it little by little to release. Learning through your own direct experience that there is a longing to let go of “sucking it up” and pushing past what your own body needs, to listening to what is needed and having the confidence and trust to allow the changes. Being with others in a supportive community of practice and growth.
Lee is happy to come to offer workshops when she can fit them into her schedule. She is also committed to offering free programs for Climate Activists to provide renewal and support. Contact Lee and you can explore possibilities for this. The Sensory Awareness Foundation has a list of Sensory Awareness Leaders throughout the United States, Europe, Canada and Mexico who are also giving workshops and might be available to help share the work in different places.