Equal Justice Initiative
An inspiring organization committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
Mind and Life Institute
Science and contemplative wisdom come together to better understand the mind and create positive change in the world, initiated in 1987 with the Dalai Lama and renowned scientists. Inspiring talks, resources and community.
A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L)
This international nonprofit organization provides resources for living in the gentle power of gratefulness, which restores courage, reconciles relationships, and heals our Earth.
Regeneration offers an expansive and encouraging what-to-do manual for all levels of society to respond to the Climate Crisis.
Veteran’s PATH
Veteran’s PATH provides veteran-specific mindfulness programs. Lee is the Co-founder of Veteran’s PATH and helped to lead the organization for 11 years, passing on the leadership in 2019.
Jarvis Masters
This website provides information about Jarvis Masters, a Buddhist writer on death row. It includes some of his articles, information about his case and his appeal and actions people can take to provide support.
Pema Chodron Foundation
Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun in the Tibetan lineage. She is an author and a teacher and her books and audio teachings inspire me deeply. Her foundation regularly donates books and CD’s to the veterans and they fiind them to be very helpful and accessible. Pema focuses on the richness of the tight places in our lives as opportunties to grow and learn and thrive.
This is the first interactive free streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet. It uses storytelling as a tool to make a difference, providing access to award-winning and inspirational content related to climate action, biodiversity, sustainability, community, diversity and more.
San Francisco Zen Center
San Francisco Zen Center was established in 1962 by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi (1904-1971) and his American students. Suzuki Roshi is known to countless readers as the author of the modern spiritual classic, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.
Sensory Awareness Foundation
The Sensory Awareness Foundation is committed to preserving, sharing, and developing the work of Sensory Awareness. The experience of peace, health and power in the individual is the beginning of a peaceful, healthy society.
Other leaders of Sensory Awareness:
Stefan Laeng-Gilliat
Terry Ray
Judyth Weaver
As Charlotte was coming to the last year of her life, Lee worked with Sara Gordon and the Sensory Awareness Foundation to make a journal that would capture some of Charlotte’s wisdom, and provide new opportunities for people to continue to learn and grow with Charlotte.
The journal Every Moment is a Moment is available from the Sensory Awareness Foundation.

– This PDF has practices that you can experiment with on your own. It has 8 pages worth of different opportunities to practice in the midst of daily life.
– Tracy Burt, Aimee Gelnaw, and Lee Klinger Lesser
– Tracy Burt and Lee Klinger Lesser